GMC Construction Update
January 8, 2009
Finish work and painting continue to prepare the new temporary entryway bordering the Emergency Department. The new temporary entry is scheduled to open on Monday, January 19. Customers and staff are still welcome to use the Gabert Clinic entrance to access the Medical Center. In addition, the much- appreciated concierge service will be discontinued on Friday, January 16. The Auxiliary Greeter desk will be relocated to the new temporary main entrance on the morning of January 19. The red transport chairs will be relocated to the new temporary main entrance. Your continued support in helping our customers during the construction project is recognized and appreciated.The R-wing (the new Extended Care Wing) is expected to be weather-tight by the end of January if the mild weather continues to hold.
Construction continues on the surgical suites. The wall pour is complete and the back fill of the area is in progress. You may have noticed the crane on site this week placing steel beams. On Monday of this week there were 50 construction crew members on site. As the project progresses, you will continue to see larger crews on site. Take time to check out the new construction pictures on the GMC website,
The 480-volt generators have arrived and are scheduled to be installed in the near future. Since GMC operates 24/7, since it is vital we have adequate generator back-up for our customers.
If the noise is affecting patient care in your area, please contact Marshall Melton, ext. 8968, or Sam Durham, ext. 3360.
Thank you for NOT parking along West Ames Wye to the alley.
Although many people are not observing it, West Ames Wye is still a one-way street between Ames and Kendrick. Please use extreme caution when driving in this area, particularly on the weekends.
There will be times during the construction phase that the street will be closed to through traffic.
If you have any comments or concerns to share, please contact Cathy Kirkpatrick, Community Relations Coordinator, ext. 3364.