Research and Explore Awesome Careers in Healthcare
Information Sheet
R.E.A.C.H. Description
R.E.A.C.H. (Research and Explore Awesome Careers in Healthcare) is a one-day program that
provides high school students the opportunity to explore the healthcare field. Students will learn
things such as how to intubate a manikin, glove for the OR, run blood through the lab, and
many more exciting hands-on activities. Healthcare professionals from will direct the program,
volunteering their time and talent to mentor and excite the students about healthcare.
Who Should Apply?
All 9th through 12th grade high school students from Dawson, Prairie, Wibaux, and McCone
counties who…
are considering a career in the healthcare field or are unsure of their future career plans
want to learn more about the diverse opportunities available in healthcare careers
are concerned about today's health issues & would like to discuss & learn more about them
R.E.A.C.H. Opportunities
An exciting way to explore healthcare you won't find in the classroom
Contact and interaction with professionals in the healthcare field
Access to specialized areas of healthcare
Explore and strengthen skills and resources for health career development
Participant Expectations
Once accepted, students will commit to participate in R.E.A.C.H. and agree that the only
acceptable "excused absence" is an unforeseen emergency.
Students will act in a professional manner while participating in the program. This includes
being on time, and showing respect towards guest speakers, volunteers, and one another.
Wednesday, July 30th at Glendive Medical Center 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
R.E.A.C.H. is FREE to the student! Lunch, and a scrubs top are provided.
Admission to R.E.A.C.H.
For admission into R.E.A.C.H. students must submit an application which can be found at their
school's office. Application deadline is July 7th students will be notified shortly thereafter of
their acceptance.
Sponsoring Organizations
The Eastern Montana Area Health Education Center in partnership with Glendive Medical Center.