Glendive Medical Center Commonly Asked Questions?
Who owns the Glendive Medical Center (GMC)?
GMC is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. As such, GMC is not owned by an individual or group of individuals. The purpose of a not-for-profit hospital is to fulfill its mission in service to the community. GMC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of eleven volunteer community members. GMC's governance structure is common for not-for-profit hospitals.
How are Board members selected?
As outlined in the original GMC By-Laws, the process to identify and select new board members remains virtually unchanged today. Specific characteristics are sought after to create a balanced and diverse membership, including: gender, vocation/occupation and geographic location. A nomination committee identifies potential candidates, conducts interviews and makes recommendations for selection to the full Board. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) does not serve on the Board of Directors or on the nominating committee.
Are the By-Laws and minutes of Board meetings available to the public?
The By-Laws and public board meeting minutes are available for viewing by contacting the Administrative Office.
How does the GMC Board ensure financial oversight and share financial information?
The GMC Board of Directors approves an annual budget and monitors monthly financial reports to ensure financial oversight. GMC currently contracts with Eide Bailey, an independent public accounting firm, to complete the annual audit for all operations. Also, annual audits are conucted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS). Since GMC operates in a competitive environment, some financial information is confidential. In addition, GMC completes the IRS form 990 and a Community Benefit Report annually. To view a copy of the form 990, please visit and to view the recent Community Benefit Report, please visit
What property does GMC own?
GMC owns the following property: The main hospital campus, with the exception of the Extended Care property, a total of 7 residential homes which are located adjacent to the main campus, the Heritage, The Attic property and an employee parking lot located on Merrill Avenue.
How is the CEO and executive leadership team selected?
The Board of Directors selects the CEO, according to the process outlined in a succession/ talent management plan. The CEO is responsible for selecting members of the executive leadership team. The Board of Directors establishes and monitors a compensation plan for the executive leadership team. To do this, the Board of Directors utilizes current market data and outside independent consultants to advise them.
How does GMC recruit and retain its medical providers?
GMC has a robust medical provider recruitment and retention plan based primarily on population data, demographic and other health care trends. The plan is updated periodically, utilizing current data gathered from research and analysis from our service area. The plan also identifies the type of specialty and number of medical providers needed. Nationally, medical provider recruitment and retention has grown very difficult. However, GMC is meeting the challenge and is proud of its overall medical provider retention rate which exceeds the national average. GMC currently has three medical providers with more than 20 years of service. To learn more about this topic, please feel free to download the report, "Physicians on the Move" at
Are GMC board meetings open to the public?
The GMC Board of Directors holds a monthly public meeting where the administrative team shares updates on routine hospital news. The public meeting regularly includes a board and community education session on topics affecting health care in our community.