Diabetes Education and Management
The Diabetes Self-Management Program at GMC is recognized by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) as meeting the education and program standards set by the ADA. GMC's program received recongnition status in November 2005. The self management education program is designed for patients with Type 2 or gestational diabetes. The program assists patients with diabetes in managing their disease. A referral by a medical provider is required for participation in this program. Medicare and most insurance plans will provide reimbursement for the cost of this program. To schedule an appointment call, 406-345-8962.The Diabetes Support Group meets monthly in the GMC Carney Conference Center. Please visit the GMC Events Calendar for meeting dates and topics.
Diabetes Education
Penny Maher, RN
Phone: 406-345-8962
Registered Nurse
Registered Dietitians
Diabetes Support Group
The program includes:
Individual Assessment, Education and Counseling
Diabetes Overview
Stress Management and Coping Skills
Family Involvement and Social Support
Healthy Eating
Exercise and Physical Activity
Medications and Insulin
Blood Glucose Monitoring
Prevention, Detection and Treatment of Acute and Long Term Complications
Goal Setting, Risk Factor Reduction and Problem Solving.
Preconception Care, Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes
Helpful links:
www.diabetes.orgTo schedule an appointment call, 406-345-8962.